The truth is, you'll save money and feel better. What's more, you won't be giving up convenience. Most of these dishes can be made in 30 minutes or less.

Arugula Salad with Avocado
Arugula Salad with Hazelnuts, Carrots, and Avocados
Arugula Salad with Persimmons and Pomegranate Seeds
Black Kale, Kabocha Squash, Cheddar Cheese and Almonds
Bulgar Salad with Celery
Carrot Salad with Lemon-Soaked Raisins
Chopped Parsley Salad

Cole Slaw with Capers
Couscous Salad with Grilled Vegetables
Egg Salad
Farmers' Market Fresh Chopped Vegetable Salad
Grilled Corn Salads
Grilled Vegetable Couscous Salad
Grilled Vegetables
Parsley-Grilled Corn Salad
Potato Salad with Corn

Risotto with Summer Vegetables
Roasted Beet Salad
Salad-e Shirazi: Iranian Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, and Onions
Spinach Salad
Tomato and Avocado Salad
Tomato, Avocado, Corn and Garlic Toast Salad
Wilted Spinach Salad
Soups, Snacks, Sauces, and Side Dishes
The Amazingly Versatile Blackened Pepper
Baked Sweet Potatoes with Sauteed Shallots, Garlic, and Mushrooms
Braised Sprouted Broccoli
Cannelini Beans with Roasted Tomatoes and Spinach
Caramelized Vegetable Pasta
Chermoula Sauce for Salads, Side Dishes, and Entrees

An Easy Saute with Brussels Sprouts and Carrots
Grilled Artichokes
Grilled Corn on the Cob
Grilled Vegetables
Farmers' Market Fresh Vegetable Saute
Homemade Vegetable Soup
Kale Sauteed with Garlic and Farm Fresh Vegetables
Kimchi Ramen Soup
Kosher Pickles

Mushroom Soup
Potatoes, Mashed, for Breakfast
Quesadillas, Open Faced
Ramen Soup with Kimchi and Farmers' Market Fresh Vegetables
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Roasted Garlic-Tomato Sauce
Roasted Tomatoes
Roasted Tomato Sauce
Salt Crusted Fingerling Potatoes
Salt Steamed Broccoli
Sauteed Beet Greens

Sauteed Kale with Vegetables
Steamed Artichokes
Summer Vegetable Risotto
Sweet Potatoes Grilled
Sweet Potato Inari Sushi
Tapenade the Frugal Cook's Secret Weapon
Tomato-Vegetable Soup
Tomatoes, Roasted, for Easy-to-Make Sauce
Tomatoes, Roasted Whole or Sliced
Vegetable Soup
Vegetable Soup for Cold Weather
Brown Sugar Pork Ribs
Chicken Wings with Kimchi Glaze
Curry, Easy-to-Make
Ginger-Soy Sauce Poached Black Cod
Cioppino with Roasted Tomatoes and Garlic Toasts
Ginger-Soy Black Cod
Green Garlic and Clams
Grilled Shrimp
Grilled Shrimp with a Tex-Mex Dry Rub
Kimchi Chicken Wings
Low Cal Breaded Fish Fillets
Israeli Couscous with Vegetables
Italian Sausages and Roasted Tomatoes
Native American-Style Salmon
Pasta Alla Checca
Pasta with Roasted Corn and Garlic
Ribs, Brown Sugar Glaze
Risotto with Farmers' Market Fresh Squash Blossoms and Baby Zucchini
Roasted Cherry Tomato and Shiitake Mushroom Pasta
Salmon with a Garlic-Citrus Glaze
Sauteed Fish with Capers, Corn, and Tomatoes
Skewered Cherry Tomatoes
Tequila Glazed Shrimp
Tofu, Beet Greens, and Brown Rice
Tofu with Crispy Toppings

Baked Cherries
Baked Plums
Fig Tart with Crystalized Ginger Crust and Roasted Almonds
Honey Poached Apples and Pears with Cinnamon, Vanilla, Raisins, and Peppercorns